Just went to post office which is less than 10 miles roundtrip with no hills and 4 Stoplights each way which i caught all but one "green"; noticed mpg on dash said 30mpg after backing into driveway; air temp was @ 35degrees F ; even turned heater off on way home. That same trip in Spring-Fall...
I'm learning alot from everyone's experience and constructive input. This is better than going to the dealer and getting bs answers.
All my recalls are up-to-date ( except backup camera), tires are back to 35psi,
so it appears to be Mother Nature; hey, it's January , so mpg will improve in...
No heated seats or steering wheel in my XLT;
Climate system on manual, I don't go out every day anyway, so I'll just have to wear heavier jacket and wait it out till Spring.
I did set tires to 35psi during the 25 degree chill this morning
Yeah, 30+ mpg winter is still better than my '02 Ranger's 19mpg overall average;
I just wasn't aware of the cold weather's effect on a hybrid's mpg since I had not seen it mentioned anywhere on this forum or elsewhere; feel better knowing it's the "nature of the beast" and not something to...
Same gas station as usual; good idea on brake calipers~~~~ going to correct tire PSI to 35 "cold" and see what happens.
But here's another thought~~~ is 35psi at 20 degree air temp the same as 35psi at 45 degree air temp? Does the door sticker infer to check tire pressure after truck is sitting...
No change in tires; original factory Continentals.
Location is Eastern Seabord, Mid-Atlantic; just got first blast of cold weather in last two weeks & have noticed ICE "noise" more than usual so that's the Third variable I didn't mention~~~So using the heater appears to be the suspected...
My '24 Hybrid XLT with 6,000 miles on it has suddenly dropped in MPG from 43 to less than 30 in last two fillups. No changes in driving habits ( no towing ever) , only two variables I can think of are 1) cold winter weather, 2) just noticed tire PSI is around 32 even after 50 mile trip in 35...
Good for stopping rocks from ruining radiator; I did a similar thing but put mine on outside of grill because I'm not smart enough to get the bumper assembly off and back on properly. Great pics you took
Yeah, and they don't have to pay for the extra fuel;
Doesn't make sense to have to jump a new vehicle~~~ very embarrassing to have neighbors watching.....
It's a cheesy battery issue and unless you keep pressing for a new battery, the dealers aren't going to cough up a new one
If you have a case number, try getting Ford rep to call dealer (with you on the conference call) and discuss the case number to get the problem resolved. That will get dealer's attention; I had to do this after a week of "bs" from the dealer; they would charge the original battery in the...
I had to take my "$115 full size non-matching Atlas spare" off to get my '24 XLT Hybrid undercoated. The dealer would not do it for me; and they warned that an aftermarket shop doing it could void my warranty. ( don't need that problem a year or more from now).
So, I'm glad I did it myself...