
Search results

  1. It's been fun!

    Well friends, It's time for me to bid ya'll farewell. Carvana will be picking up my FX4 this afternoon, hard decision, no regrets. Being retired, my need for it is very diminished considering I have another truck. Everyone, take care, especilly you Glenn! Best of luck with your cool, loved...
  2. Looking for the highest mileage without CV problems

    As the title says, I'm looking for the highest odometer mileage without CV issues. The Mavericks prostate problem if you will.;) I'm on the fence concerning selling my 22 FX4. I know I asked before about Maverick owners with the highest mile count without any serious matters, so I apologize...
  3. New noise, 22 FX4

    So, I just noticed a faint noise when casually slowing down, in a straight line that sounds like someone under the hood gently shaking a plastic cup with some dice in it. No vibrations or funny stuff. Itā€™s just momentary but pretty consistent. Anyone else lucky enough to experience this.
  4. Who has the highest odometer miles on their Maverick.

    And, if you have had any major repairs please list, if possible šŸ˜‰
  5. Headliner Door seal overlap

    Good morning, Anyone notice how little if any overlap there is as far as the rubber door seal over the edge of the headliner? On my 2022 FX4 the foam/cloth edge of the headliner basically just butts up against the door weatherstripping/door seal. Not the best way to ensure long term...
  6. Hybrids use ICE power

    There are a lot of people on here referring to Mavericks as being ICE or Hybrid. News flash, Hybrids use an Internal Combustion Engine, ICE šŸ˜³ just like their non-hybrid cousins. So, unless you find one with a turbine or other exotic power plant, you will have to accept that you have an ICE...
  7. Country of manufacturer [LOCKED DUE TO POLITICS]

    So, should companies like Ford, GM etc. state clearly where their particular vehicles are being produced? Most of use know where our Mavericks were made in Mexico, the country of manufacture is important to some of us.
  8. 1970 BOSS 302 Maverick

    August 1969 Motor Trend article: Maverick V-8 On The Loose Apparently a So Cal Ford dealer, Chuck Foulger decided to drop a BOSS 302 in a innocent looking Maverick. What could have beenā€¦ā€¦.. Probably with a little tuning and some TIRES, it would have embarrassed many a muscle car! Low 14ā€™s from...
  9. Carbingo offer $$

    Well CarBingo (really nice) just offered me $32,500 for my $28,800 850 mile FX4 CG and I told them thanks but no thanks. Not sure what this next year will bring, some predictions sound pretty grim. Right now its a spare but a well liked spare and the dog really likes it;) I see some selling for...
  10. Disappointed no Engine Oil Cooler included

    Anyone disappointed that Ford chose not to include an engine oil cooler on the 2.0EB? My wifeā€™s 19 2.0 Escape doesnā€™t have one either. Most turbo 4 cylinders I have worked on have them. Wish mine had one, I believe the Edge with a 2.0 does.
  11. Auto door locks

    I have a strange problem with my FX4. If I pull up to my gate and get out, close the door with the engine running my drivers door automatically locks šŸ˜³ Sure glad to have the key pad, itā€™s been a lifesaver. Anyway, anyone experienced this? Maybe Iā€™m fat fingering the door lock button when...
  12. So how many have you seen on the road?

    So, how many Mavericks have you actually seen on the road in the last year or so? I bet I have see no more than 6-8 in the San Antonio area, kinda surprises me.
  13. Who has no rust issues?

    So, for those of you who have checked for rust under your new Maverick; Who has not found any signs of rust or corrosion and who has found a reasonable coat of primer/paint applied. Kinda sad to see so many negative/concerned members on here with legitimate concerns. My little ute is fine, I do...
  14. Just wondering, does anyone know what the # 1 color is? After Cactus Gray

    Just wondering, does anyone know what the # 1 color is? After Cactus Gray;)
  15. $750.00 Exclusive Cash Reward denied on my 12/8/22 order Cactus Gray FX4.

    What can I say, I am very happy about getting my new Ute :) 5/4/22. Still just days old for me so driving/ownership impressions will have to wait a little while. One thing I do not like, my $750 Cash Reward that says, "Expires 4/4/22 see details inside" would not go through! :mad: The fine print...
