Every year I rent a cabin with a group of friends of mine for a long weekend, and this year my friend parked their 2001 Ford Ranger next to my 2023 Ford Maverick.
So of course I took some photos. Because as Maverick Truck Club users it seems like we're all compelled to do so when an old Ranger...
The risk of fire with early hybrid Mavericks was a problem with the manufacturing of the gas engine -- and it would happen when the vehicle was in motion. The gas engine would fail, but people wouldn't immediately pull over and stop the truck because the electric motor would continue to drive...
Absolutely. But the Maverick is too new for there to be a lot on the used market.
Hence why I said this poll was likely more an indicator of folks who can afford a new vehicle rather than something Maverick specific.
It wasn't meant to be like a profound statement or anything 😆
So do you use the Fordpass app?
Because I found the app crashed weirdly on my phone once, and kept pinging my truck. That kept waking up my truck's computer -- causing me to get the deep sleep warning.
Force quitting the app on my phone seemed to fix the issue, and ,my truck hasn't had the...
So if the truck is warmed up, you can still get high 30s. It's hard to get exact numbers, because the internal mileage calculator seems to ignore fuel burnt while the truck is remote started... and I park outside. So I do that every morning.
Like, you have to understand, when I'm just running...
So I do a lot of driving in rural Northern Wisconsin (so similar roads and weather to what you're talking about) with my front wheel drive Hybrid Maverick, and it works great. At 55-65 mph the gas mileage is actually still really solid -- in warm weather you'll still get well over 40 mpg at...
This is just sort of nonsense.
I park outside in Northern Wisconsin, and my Hybrid has no problem warming up in the winter -- and we go weeks with subzero temps. The gas engine just runs more (since that's the source of heat in the truck) and still gets better gas mileage than my old non-hybrid...
No regrets. Like would 4K towing be nice for hypothetical use cases down the road that I don't actually have right now? Sure. But I'm also not a fan of the lack of physical buttons for a lot of things with the new interior, the dropping of the wired keypad on the door they did in '24, and I...
I mean, if you spec any Hybrid Mav and add AWD and 4K towing it's going to be 10k more than 2021 FWD Hybrid pricing because the base price is like 6k more than it was for that vehicle to start with.
So really what you're saying is that for 9k more than the current price of an equivalent truck...
Never accidentally bumped it, not quite sure how one would (like I get that it's happened, but I'm still puzzling it out).
The only problem I had was for the first week with the truck I kept reaching for a phantom gear shift lever and grasping at air. 😆